Friday, June 06, 2008

Sure! No problem! And then after that, let's swing over to Hawaii for some mai-tais.

Traveler with heavy European accent: "So, can we drive to the Grand Canyon one day? We'd really like to see it while in America."

--Dulles Airport Baggage Claim



At 9:14 PM, Blogger Loopaleep said...

Yes. This is awesome, though I'm sure I would sound just as stupid in Japan.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is a pretty common misconception, I had an overseas tourist talking to me about the same thing while on vacation in florida...

At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many overseas travellers have no grasp of just how big North America is. I still wonder what happened to a pair of lost Japanese tourists. It was around 8pm when they asked me to point out where on their map of Canada they were as they wanted to visit Banff on their way to Vancover. At the time they were half way between Edmonton and Jasper about 700 km west of Vancouver. Oh... and their flight was leaving Vacouver the next day!

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once worked at a place where one of our bosses from London was visiting our branch office in Ohio, and he mentioned that he would like to drive over and visit one of our customers in Texas that afternoon. My boss tried explaining how far it was and ended up having to pull out an atlas. The London boss was amazed!


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