It's for your protection. Those books bite.
"Why are we going in a cage?"
- Female teeny bopper, on entering the glass-encased viewing area above the Great Reading Room at the Library of Congress
Labels: Hill
"Why are we going in a cage?"
Labels: Hill
Man in a black fedora, sunglasses, and trenchcoat-"Well I'm sorry the family thought I was dead."
Typical jam-packed red line train this morning headed downtown from Bethesda. A group of tourists in matching shirts get on the already crowded train and begin making a stream of observations about the ride in. But this made me and the woman next to me burst into laughter:
Labels: Metro, Tourons (Tourist + Moron)
Metro policeman on the Green Line platform last night:
“People move it on to the middle of the train. Let’s pack the car right Nats fans. You are not cherry-blossomers. You people know to do this. You live here.”
And before that as the crowd began to build on the platform:
Metro cop - “Sir, you can’t stop there. Keep moving to the other end of the platform.”
Cardinals fan - “Why do I have to move?”
Metro cop - “Because I told you to.”
Our eavesdropper notes: The Cards fan kept moving. Thus proving that even a drunk will do what he’s told if the person doing the talking has a billy club and pistol.
Labels: Metro
Overheard man and woman in business suits in 2000 Penn near CVS:
Labels: Metro
Patient: Is that bathroom a bisexual bathroom? I saw a woman come out of it one minute and a man the next.
on Orange train toward VA @6:30pm
7 year old boy and Grandparents at Reagan
This must be misheard:
A Defense agency headquarters, Ft. Belvoir
"I'm on a really great regimen now, I found some multivitamins I really love at Whole Foods"
Two 20 somethings:
At the navy yard metro station:
Incoming Freshman Girl: "Can I say that Cosi's is the reason I can't keep kosher?"
Labels: GW
Two high schoolers walking to the Jefferson Memorial:
Cute little black girl: "Mom who is this white woman that died?"
Guy at 7th and H Chinatown stoplight waiting to cross the street. Someone bumps into him. Guy exasperated:
Man: "Well, I guess I'm a dickhead then." He pauses for a second and then grabs a bag of cookies off the table. "But wait, dickheads don't give out cookies, so who wants a cookie?"
Overheard in front of the American History museum, emanating from a tourist family.