All this talk of 7-11, now I want a Slurpee
Two (presumably) freshman girls at the 7-Eleven on GW's campus:
One girl to the other: "Well, she had to flush the condom SOMEWHERE!"
Labels: GW
Two (presumably) freshman girls at the 7-Eleven on GW's campus:
Labels: GW
Tourist: What's the Holocaust Museum about?
Labels: Tourons (Tourist + Moron)
In Jumbo Slice in Adams Morgan and two girls were talking about a dating site and one explains: I didn't want to put "any" in my profile 'cause I didn't want anybody into know, like, BUDDHISISM! That would be too weird for me.
Labels: Adams Morgan
Heard in the cafeteria at the National Counterterrorism Center:
Boss man to staff: Growing up, there was a kid on my block who was a lot like John McCain. His team was losing touch football 10-75 so he said, "um my mom needs me" and ran home, and, of course, took the ball with him. That's John McCain."
[Female GW student walking through GW campus with her friends and past a crazy homeless man.]
Labels: GW, Residentially Challenged
On an elevator in S.W.
Adult to a kid holding a pizza box: "Now, remember what I told you about holding the box right side up. If you hold it on its side, you'll end up with a pizza milkshake, and nobody likes a pizza milkshake!"
Five year old soccer player to her teammates: It's just like tennis, you have to keep your eye on the ball!!
Gay Guy 1: "He is so hot. I would love to tie him up and do all kinds of obscene things to his body."
Staffer 1: Well you know she posed topless, right?
Guy 1: I think her new dude is gay.
On the metro...
Labels: Metro
Middle-aged woman on her cell phone at 17th and Massachusetts: "Unless he doubles my salary, I'm not sleeping with him."
Location: Outside of Cone-e Island on GW Campus
High school aged girl on the phone: Hi Dad! ... I'm at school trying out for dance team.
It's always special when you can witness someone's first time at Starbucks:
Overheard exiting the Dupont Metro Station ...
Labels: Dupont
Twenty-something woman in the Old Town Alexandria Trader Joe's:
In a GW dorm lobby, two fratty passers-by:
Labels: GW
Girl: So I hear Stevie Wonder is performing at the DNC tonight.
Labels: Metro
At the pool in a Crystal City apartment:
Tourist boy to a pack of friends at USDA Farmer's Market" "...and that put me off water in my juice for life."
Labels: Tourons (Tourist + Moron)