It's like proficiency in Excel and Bowhunting is all employers care about these days
Ledroit Park, 30-something guy walking by on his cell phone, totally serious:
"... and they don't even care about all my kung fu skills!"
Ledroit Park, 30-something guy walking by on his cell phone, totally serious:
Co-worker 1: Are either of you any good with reviewing grammar?
"Yes, if I get the job at the CDC I will celebrate your chlamydia as an inspirational story." - girl to her female friend at the Nats game on Tuesday night
Labels: Sports
Two College aged girls walking down M street towards Georgetown.
Labels: Georgetown
20-something blonde sitting next to her 3 blonde friends:
Labels: GW
Two girls in the La Tasca bathroom on 1/2 price sangria pitcher night:
Walking home from Tenley Metro stop, a guy and girl are walking uphill toward me:
Female Hill Staffer: "Why is Tiger wearing red and black again?"
Labels: Hill
In elevator:
Labels: GW
College Aged Male 1: The train to Huntington is ARR.
Labels: Metro
Overheard Coming Out of Rockville Courthouse:
Mid-twenties guy leaving voicemail: "Hey baby, just calling to say hi. How are your boobs?"
Two woman on Red Line to Glenmont.
Labels: Metro
Woman: "So this boy I've been stalking broke up with me for no good reason . . ."
Labels: Women of questionable character
June 4: Woman on cell in J.Crew: "You might need to go pick her up, I'm at the museum."
At the Hillary speech on Saturday, behind the podium, 2 young campaign staffers discussing hand signals to wave in the air.
Two guys at Crystal City Rocks Everclear concert:
Traveler with heavy European accent: "So, can we drive to the Grand Canyon one day? We'd really like to see it while in America."
Labels: Tourons (Tourist + Moron)
Guy hitting on girl: "So what do you do?"
A little girl, probably about 5 or 6, was walking in the zoo with her dad. She starts dropping french fries one by one:
A group of co-workers are enjoying lunch outside and discussing—what else—latex condoms.
In a downtown office:
Labels: Interns