Well endowed art
"Wow, that's a lot of penis"
--Artomatic, Crystal City
Metro Conductor: "Please do not crowd the doors. SERIOUSLY, this train has 8 cars, please use all... um..... twenty-ssss... uh... twenty-tttt... well, all the doors. Shut up."
Labels: Metro
Guy yelling on phone: You paid $60 for takeout?? Why don't I just pay your mama $50 to watch the kids and we'll go out to McDonald's!
Labels: Metro
A man approaches two white girls lying on a blanket in the sun, he looks about 40, little spanish accent, broken english, possibly homeless and says:
Labels: Residentially Challenged
Talking about Administrative Professionals' Day:
Labels: Residentially Challenged
Three quotes from the same guy at the Big Hunt:
Labels: Dupont
Guy 1: So my friend almost ran over a big family the other day but at the last moment a little boy popped up beside the car and I said 'dude you gotta make sure you get them all, or else that little boy is going to grow up and become Batman and come after you'
From a friend of the blog:
"I'm really fucking excited! Fucking Pez! It fucking rules! Yeeeeee-aaaaaaahhhh! (or something that sounded kind of like a drunk cowboy)
Two girls in a huge crowd of tourist high school kids-
Labels: Dumb chicks, Tourons (Tourist + Moron)
Guy 1: "God, I'm so drunk."
Labels: Drugs and Booze
Tourist: “Is that the White House?”
Labels: Tourons (Tourist + Moron)
Teenage-boy tourist on the Metro at Foggy Bottom: “They just said this is the last stop in
--Metro in the direction of Franconia-Springfield
Labels: Metro, Tourons (Tourist + Moron)
Teenage-girl tourist to mother: "Where is the Washington Memorial?"
Labels: Tourons (Tourist + Moron)
Professor: "I love talking about this stuff. I could go on forever. And I'm tenured, so if you have a problem with that you'll just have to deal"
Labels: GW
40-something year old woman at the Josh Groban concert: "We’re TOTALLY going to molest him when he passes by us!"
Labels: Women of questionable character
Metrorail conductor with sensual Barry White-esque voice pulls his blue line train into Pentagon: "Pentagon."
Labels: Metro
Labels: Georgetown
Woman is discussing how her kid's favorite word is "mine."
Two businessmen are walking down the street in Georgetown and see a group of three teenagers out front of a CVS carefully measuring cough syrup into a plastic cup.
Labels: Drugs and Booze
Walking on M st Bridge outside of Georgetown. Bum talking excitedly to walking Georgetown shoppers and corporate looking men.
Labels: Georgetown, Residentially Challenged
Asian guy talking about how he looks in a suit:
Labels: Stupid Businesspeople
Guy to Woman friend in line at Murky Coffee in Clarendon: The floor here is so chic. They must have been like, how can we make this floor look chic? Let's strip off all of the tile. It's so emo. Hey, you know what I want? Emo grass. That stuff cuts itself.
Labels: Clarendon
Girl: Why do they have an ambassador to Vatican City?
Conductor: (wearily) Customers, please be advised - when a train is pulling into the station, DO NOT take pictures of it with a flash camera. Thank you for riding Metrorail.
-- Red line, Metro CenterContext: a group of high schoolers were in the Smithsonian Hirshhorn
Tourist woman with her children, pointing at the Lincoln Memorial: And that's where Lincoln was shot. By John Wilkes Booth.
Labels: Tourons (Tourist + Moron)
That's not so much the title as the actual eavesdrop (coming from the mouth a LaRouche supporter). I'm sure there are plenty more LaRouche quotes out there - so send 'em in!
Labels: LaRouche
Kite Festival at the Tidal Basin:
Two 20 something women chatting on 21st St & P
Labels: Dupont